Monday, 19 November 2012

New Features Seen in Newly Released Windows 8 Operating System

Windows series of operating system stands as the most used operating systems across the world, and is relied up on by billions of users. Windows has released the latest version of its operating system, named as Windows 8 and it is the major change in terms of user interface after Windows 95. Lot of new features are seen in this operating system, few of them have been mentioned below: ‘Desktop’ changed to ‘Home Screen’. This is the place where users can access programs and is without icons. This space won’t show folders or icons, but it will show up tiles displaying dynamic information. For opening programs, users need to click on those tiles. Nearly twenty to twenty five tiles can be arranged based on the display resolution set on the system. Major change in Windows 8 OS is the lack of ‘Start’ button. Desktop is changed in to an app and hence we can’t find a start button on the screen. For accessing any program, one needs to get back to Home Screen. Charms which are hidden on the home screen can be used for accessing programs. They can be seen by swiping the mouse pointer from left to right. Windows Key will also be useful for this purpose. Most important thing we can notice on new version of Windows OS, is the change of user interface. Modern UI depends mostly on tiles. More of white space and more of bright colors can be noticed. Modern user interface, on the whole, is eye catching for sure. Generally we download programs for Windows from internet. But on Windows 8, the programs for modern user interface are provided through Windows Store, which is very much similar to App Store or Android Market (i.e. Google Play Store) in concept and functionality. Developers can create apps and can sell them or offer them for free through this Windows Store. Installing and uninstalling the apps from Windows Store is quite easy and can be done in few clicks only. Lock screen of Windows 7 transform from a useless and boring one to useful and attractive one on Windows 8 operating system. Different kinds of notifications can be seen on the lock screen; you will be able to see Facebook updates, Twitter mentions, count of unread mails, connectivity status, battery status on this lock screen. It is very much similar to the lock screens of smart phones running on Android or iOS. This lock screen can be unlocked through different ways. Picture password, Live ID, etc can be used for unlocking and logging on to the computer. For getting the best out of Windows 8, one needs to connect it to the web all the time. Program tiles can also make use of web information to update and show notifications. For instance, few tiles can make use of internet for getting updates and can show up headlines. Cloud connectivity can be used to the maximum on Windows 8 operating system. Sky Drive, the web based storage service from Microsoft can be utilized on this version of OS. Control panel is also seen on Windows 8 OS, as in other versions. But in the latest version, it is buried deeply. Settings Panels of this version of operating system makes use of Modern User Interface. This control panel is much simpler and can be convenient to use. Factory reset feature is also provided. Multi tasking has taken new dimensions on Windows 8 operating system. As in traditional method, you can open multiple tabs accessible from task bar. But there is another option, where the modern UI mode is set to display only two Windows simultaneously, one occupying eight percent screen while the other occupying twenty percent screen.

