Just a phone number can help hacker compromise your personal data, the latest in cyber-attack world is hack on WhatsApp’s web based services. WhatsApp has become a channel for a lot of people to communicate free of cost.
WhatsApp web is the latest which is a browser based service that is rendered via smartphones and computers instead of app. The recent hack has up to 200,000 user’s personal data with them.
To attain more information hacker’s used to send Vcard’s to non-planned numbers they had with them which was reported by a security firm.
V Card is an electronic contact that is used to send information regarding contact details of someone in your contact list. The v card that were send by hackers had a malicious code in it that would dispense bot, ransomware and other remote access tools (RATs) on the sender’s phone or the system they are using.
Bots can harm in a different way by slowing down the system and asking them for ransom and to regain access to their own personal data whereas RAT has altogether a different concept of getting a remote access to a device.
A security firm checkpoint revealed that this WhatsApp vulnerability can be easily exploited without the use of any hacking tool. The public got to know about such vulnerability related to WhatsApp later on august 27 whereas the same got fixed before some days ago on august 21.
Oded Vanunu who is group manager at security research group has appreciated WhatsApp for taking such quick and responsive decisions on this vulnerability and deploying an initial alleviation against exploitation in his blog post.
This was much needed step as WhatsApp has over 900 million