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Using Internet is not restricted to anyone, however there are some
rules and regulations that you have to follow while using the Internet.
Cyber crimes also increased, if anyone is seen violating rules of
Internet, he/she may be put behind the bars. So, see the below
activities that can get you arrested.
#10 Posting Lyrics on Facebook
Budding Rapper and school student namely Cameron D’Ambrosio was arrested for posting rap lyrics on Facebook.
#9 File Sharing
We often share files online. But if you are sued by software company,
you may be put behind the bars. In Japan, several file sharers were
arrested. You may know about the arrest of The Pirate Bay (Torrent Site)
#8 Gamble
As we all know, gambling is banned in some countries in real world.
Similarly online gambling can put you behind the bars if you organize
gambling or playing in places where it has been prohibited. Numerous
websites were targeted and also warnings have been issued to various
people engaged in Gambling.
#7 Translating Articles
Translating Articles
American Citizen was put behind the bars after he translated the
article on his blog which was termed as “Offensive to the Autocracy” by
the authorities. Doing such crime can land you up to 15 years in Jail.
Also, in Indonesia, a person was put behind the bars for two years as he
posted “God does not Exist” on popular social networking website
#6 Leaving Internet Comments
Leaving Internet Comments
Syria arrests people for leaving Internet Comments. Human Rights
Watch reported that in 2007, Syrian authorities arrested two person and
they were shifted to known place, the reason was these two persons
expressed their views online that were censorious of Syria.
#5 Dancing in a Video
Dancing in a Video
In Iran, six people were arrested for dancing in a video to Pharrel
Williams Song “Happy”. They received 91 lashes and were sentenced to
jail for 1 year. Later, sentences were abolished for three years, so
they didn’t spent more time in Jail, until they committed this crime
again within a few years. In the controversial video, three men and
three women were seen dancing on the road and on rooftops in Tehran.
Also, a youth was jailed in Russia for 15 days and two women were jailed
for 10 days after they allegedly danced and made video near a Second
World War memorial.
#4 Using VOIP services
Using VOIP services
In Ethiopia, using VOIP services like Skype is strictly prohibited.
If you are found using Skype, you will be put behind the bars. The New
Telecommunications law strictly prohibits VOIP which is abbreviated as
Voice Over Internet Protocol. which consist of audio and video
communication and transfer of information. We advise you that if you are
citizen or tourist of Ethiopia then don’t even dare to use Skype.
#3 Offensive Messages or Tweets
Offensive Messages or Tweets
Two persons namely Leigh Van Bryan aged 26 and Emily
Bunting aged 24 tweeted about their journey “Free this week for a quick
gossip/prep before I go and destroy America”. Their passports were
seized when they arrived in US. They were interrogated for about five
hours on doubt of committing crimes. These two arrested persons tried to
clarify that “Destroying” is a British slang for “Partying”.
#2 Deleting Your Search History
Deleting Your Search History
Erasing your search history can put you behind the bars. A person namely David Kernell
who was studying in University of Tennessee was sentenced for deleting
information on his computer. Federal Investigators alleged him for
hacking the Yahoo Account of America’s vice presidential candidate, Sarah Palin.
#1 Have an Open Wi-Fi
Have an Open Wi-Fi
Keeping your WiFi Open and not keeping it password protected can put
you behind the bars. Some persons may use your WiFi to download or
access prohibited content. A person namely Barry Covert’s WiFi was open
and it was used by his neighbor in order to access child pornography.
Later, Police recovered no child pornography on Barry’s Computer and
arrested his 25 year old neighbor. Keeping your WiFi open may create
many problems, so it is better to password protect it.